Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lemon/Lime rice

Very easy and instant dish. Convenient for picnics


2 cups cooked rice
4-5 tbsps lemon juice
1 tbsp chana dal
2 tbsp urad dal
2 tbsps peanuts(ground nuts)
1 tbsp cashew nuts
1/2 tbsp mustard seeds
1/2 tbsp chopped ginger(optional)
Pinch of Hing
1/4 tsp turmeric
few curry leaves
salt to taste
1 tbsp oil
2 green chilies,make a slit
2 dry red chilies,tear into pieces


Add salt into the lemon juice, mix until salt dissolves.


Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds and as they begin to splutter, add chana dal, urad dal, peanuts and cashew nuts. fry them until they turn to light red.

Add curry leaves, green chilies, red chilies, chopped ginger and fry them for 1 more min.
Add hing(asafoetida) and turmeric pwd. fry for few seconds.

Add the rice, mix well until the seasoning coats rice well and turn off heat.

add salted lemon juice, combine well.
Serve as it is or with curd.

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